The Nokia's Lumia series smartphones are the next-generation Windows powered handheld devices. The previous Lumia smartphones, Lumia 610 and the Lumia 800 gave trial to the Samsung's Galaxy series with their Windows 7 and Windows 7.5 (Mango) operating systems. The launch of a next Nokia smartphone charged by the 'tilled' Windows Phone 8 operating system was announced which created a stir and strengthened the colonnade of the rumour which whispered the news of muger between Nokia and Microsoft. This certainly gave goosebumps to Californian-tech giant, Apple.
On September 5, The Finnish based cellular manufacturer, Nokia called for a launch of its new product, which was undoubted to be the next Lumia. Along with the most awaited mobile operating system Windows Phone 8. With, Internet Explorer 10, multi-core support, space for MicroSD cards, NFC compatible, deeper Skydrive integration and updated with turn-by-turn directions, Nokia Maps, the Windows 8.0 is sure-shot buy for the consumers.
What Else Is In the Box?
Time To Switch?
On September 5, The Finnish based cellular manufacturer, Nokia called for a launch of its new product, which was undoubted to be the next Lumia. Along with the most awaited mobile operating system Windows Phone 8. With, Internet Explorer 10, multi-core support, space for MicroSD cards, NFC compatible, deeper Skydrive integration and updated with turn-by-turn directions, Nokia Maps, the Windows 8.0 is sure-shot buy for the consumers.
What Else Is In the Box?
- Support for multi-core CPUs of up to 64 cores
- Support for 1280x720 and 1280x768 resolutions
- Support for MicroSD cards
- Internet Explorer 10
- Background multitasking
- NFC support added, including payment and content sharing with Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 machines
- Native code support (C and C++), simplified porting from platforms such as Android, Symbian, and iOS
- Simplified porting of Windows 8 apps to Windows Phone 8
- Carrier control and branding of "wallet" element is possible via SIM or phone hardware
- Nokia map technology (Navteq maps with offline mode, turn-by-turn directions)
- Native 128-bit Bitlocker encryption, Secure Boot
- Remote device management of Windows Phone similar to management of Windows PCs
- In-app purchases
- Over the air for Windows Phone updates
- Minimum 18 month support of Windows Phone updates to Windows Phone 8 devices
- Camera app now supports "lenses", which allow third parties to skin and add features to camera interface
- Deeper Skydrive integration, including ability to sync data such as music collections
- Gives preferential treatment to WiFi, can automatically connect to carrier-owned hotspots
Time To Switch?
Yes, this is the time to switch from your small, dinky Android smartphone to a large and much more powerful Windows. The touch, feel and pleasure of holding a smartphone displaying neatly designed tiles is much more than than using a devices which is accused of copying its architecture.
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